Attention aux arnaques

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Attention aux arnaques

Post by exo »

Petit rappel pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore.
Faites très attention quand vous vendez votre véhicule comme je suis en train de le faire actuellement (petite pub au passage :D )
J'ai reçu pas mal de mails de différentes personnes (la même "boîte" surement) souhaitant m'arna... m'acheter mon véhicule, exemple:
> J’ai vu les photos du véhicule, elles sont très
> convaincantes. Je confirme donc l'achat du véhicule. Par quel moyen
> vous que je vous règle ? Mon gestionnaire m'a fait savoir que les
> certifiés de banque ou virement sont plus sécurisés, étant à
> l’étranger, Je
> souhaiterais donc vous régler par virement bancaire ou chèque de
> certifié, c'est garanti pour nous deux ou chèque de banque.
> Pour cela j'aurai besoin de vos coordonnées bancaires (RIB) et une
> promesse
> de vente manuscrite qui doit comporter les informations suivantes;
> (le nom complet et adresse complète, le mode de payement par virement
> bancaire ou
> par chèque, le prix de la voiture, que vous vous engagez à nous vendre
> voiture et que vous ne céderiez la voiture que lorsque vous aurez reçu
> et
> encaisser les fonds, vous signez et marquez lu et à prouvé).
> Afin vous me tenez informé dès vous recevez l'argent sur votre compte.
> Tenez moi informé
> si vous avez des questions à me poser. Pour la signature des documents
> cession,
> cela se fera lorsque je viendrai pour l’enlèvement. Comme je vous paye
> d'avance
> j'aurai besoin d'une garantie: la copie de votre CNI recto-verso.
> Néanmoins j’aimerai vous poser quelques questions de plus;
> - si de la voiture n'a jamais été accidenté?
> - le mode de paiement en cas de conclusion du contrat étant donnée que
> nous
> sommes à l'étranger pour des raisons professionnelle?
> - si vous désirez nous vendre de la voiture car elle nous plaie?
> - si la voiture est à vous ou si vous êtes un intermédiaire?
> - date de disponibilité pour l'enlèvement.
> Vous trouverez ci-jointe une copie de ma pièce d’identité et pour ma
> femme.
> Cordialement,
> 02 BP 1234 ABIDJAN 02
> (00225) 01 46 90 61
> FAX: 0022522434912
Donc là il faudrait être idiot pour ne pas se méfier, seulement certains sont plus malins et plus doués en orthographe, au lieu de vous envoyer ce mail type, il ciblent davantage.... Bref ne donnez jamais suite à ce genre d'email sauf pour vous amuser comme je l'ai fait :roll:
Ma réponse:
Bojours Nicol
Oui je suis très content que le car te plaise, pour toi je te fais un
prix spécial mon ami 18500 euros alors j'atends l'argent d'abor oui !
Après c'est ok mais le virement bancaire c'est mieux. mais j'ai pas la
carte grise et il manque les clé c'est pas grâve? j'ai aussi un merco
4x4 G et tu me di si tu veux d'autres voitures, je peux trouver. mais
parfois ya la vitre cassér. Moi j'ai pas la CNI tu compren a cause de
On va faire du biznesse tout les 2
aller apelle moi demain
Aujourd'hui une certaine Pascale Lancione qui s'exprime dans un très bon Français est en contact avec moi et après avoir effectué une recherche sur Google il s'avère que c'est aussi une arnaque.
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Johnny boy
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Re: Attention aux arnaques

Post by Johnny boy »

exo wrote: Ma réponse:
Bojours Nicol
Oui je suis très content que le car te plaise, pour toi je te fais un
prix spécial mon ami 18500 euros alors j'atends l'argent d'abor oui !
Après c'est ok mais le virement bancaire c'est mieux. mais j'ai pas la
carte grise et il manque les clé c'est pas grâve? j'ai aussi un merco
4x4 G et tu me di si tu veux d'autres voitures, je peux trouver. mais
parfois ya la vitre cassér. Moi j'ai pas la CNI tu compren a cause de
On va faire du biznesse tout les 2
aller apelle moi demain
Oh, je me suis bien marré en lisant ta réponse :lol:

J'en recevais aussi quand le Z4 était en vente.
Sur le , une large rubrique y est consacrée , où toutes les arnaques qu'ont reçus les Zistes sont repertoriées, parfois très drôle.
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Post by zo »

Très bonne réponse :lol:
après avoir conduit une Lotus, on s'aperçoit que tout kilomètre parcouru dans un autre véhicule n'est qu'une perte de temps...
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Post by Olive »

Je vous mettrais bien la réponse que je mettais sytématiquement lors de la vente de mon Boxster S mais j'ai peur de choquer les ames sensibles.
Avanatges....jamais de réponse. :lol:
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Post by zo »

vas-y, envoie la réponse :D
après avoir conduit une Lotus, on s'aperçoit que tout kilomètre parcouru dans un autre véhicule n'est qu'une perte de temps...
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Post by exo »

oui, mais je me rends compte que avec le recul que certains pourraient penser qu'il y a un brin de racisme dans ma réponse.
Surtout pas !
Juste pour clarifier les choses.
Last edited by exo on Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Olive »

zo wrote:vas-y, envoie la réponse :D
Faut que je remette la main sur le mail...mais ça pourrait ne pas plaire. Et à l'instar de Exo, aucun racisme la dedans mais une accumulation d'images négatives de la Côte d'Ivoire.

En substance le message était très rapide. J'avais proposé à ce gentleman d'aller se faire prodiguer un massage anal dans les plus brefs délais plutot que de continuer à me casser les noix avec une arnaque aussi pathétiquement misérable. Et que l'image de son pays en était vraiment diminuée.
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Post by Johnny boy »

Pour ma part, à aucun moment, je n'ai pensé à ça, la réponse était juste rigolote, mais ça reflete l'état d'esprit Français où dès qu'on sort du politiquement correct, on se sent obligé de s'expliquer...
Pas de stress les gars :wink:
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Post by PunkDrunkRabbit »


voici un dialogue de sourd, que j'ai eu en vendant ma Mini. On remarque presque pas que les réponses sont automatiques....
Désolé j'ai une facheuse tendance à balancer des post fleuve.....

In English, sorry.


Dear Nicola,

I have receive your mail and i thank you for accepting to do this transaction with me and i want to assure you that before i contacted you for this transaction, I have already worked out the legal logistics for the sure success of it so I will only require your absolute trust, confidentiality and assurance that you will not be willing to part with my share of the funds when it eventually arrives your custody.

Again,let me make you understand my power in affecting the transfer of this funds to you. As i have already informed you on how this money is been brought,and i know i have equally informed you on where the money was deposited. I am in Command of my Unit here in Al-Basrah,i give orders,and i am a marine officer and you know the respect and honour we control. I am going to prepare all the necessary documents for approval that the money is yours so everything will be intact on your behalf.

Now let me make you understand how this business is going to be done successfully, Every week, a RED CROSS RELIEF JET flies to Europe from Baghdad to go and collect reliefs from donors in Europe. I have two of my men as security to the airplane, So after preparing every document on your behalf as the owner of the funds, i will then seal up the consignment which is with the RED CROSS to the beneficiary in Europe.

Then I want you to know that diplomats run a courier service which is called DIPLOMATIC COURIER SERVICE, this service is meant for transferring hard documents,huge funds and precious stones, they call it consignment. This consignment will be registered under their service and will be carried with their diplomatic immunity to any country where they have diplomatic grounds and then deliver it to the owner of the consignment on the grounds where they maintain diplomatic immunity.

In this case,the deal will go like this, Once i register the consignment in your name, Then i will seal it and then register it as a diplomatic consignment Trunk Box to be delivered to the owner in EUROPE. The Airplane that will airlift the consignment is the RED CROSS JET which equally has the diplomatic immunity to lift such consignments and other hard copies because of the nature of its work. So Wherever it lands in Europe then the diplomat will immediately contact you and you will proceed and go receive the consignment from him. It is very simple and straight forward transaction as long as you follow my instructions.

You should understand that Diplomats are very busy people so they will not be able to tolerate delays, so you must have to be ready so that as soon as they fly into Europe and contact you, then you will be able to meet with the diplomat immediately and claim your consignment. If you cannot be able to meet with him immediately due to your tight schedule, then you can make further arrangements with him to assist you in bringing the consignment to your home and he will surely help you as long as you follow his directives.

I hope you have understood all about this business and how it is going to be done. You do not need to explain to your bank on how you got the money because the money will be brought to you in a consignment box and you do not to contact your bank so you can see that everything is perfect. So for us to start up immediately, i will need the below informations from you immediately:


These informations will enable me prepare the necessary documents on your behalf which will make you the owner of the consignment as required which will be used to register the consignment on your name. Once i am through with that, i will let you know and i will also send you the copy of the AIRWAY BILL DOCUMENT which i used in registering you as the owner of the funds.

I will also let you know the name and telephone numbers of the Diplomat to enable you be able to contact him once he arrives in Europe. This is the summary of the legal process involved in this transaction so you can see that it is a straight forward transaction. Like i said all i require from you is your absolute trust, confidentiality and assurance that you will not be willing to part with my share of the funds when it eventually arrives your safe custody.

Finally, i will be updating you as we progress, Please treat this with the secrecy and urgency it deserves, i am counting on your understanding.

Waiting for your urgent response to enable us proceed immediately.

Capt Mathew Thorp.


Ok but what about Batman ?
You don't mention it in your email...

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Mathew Thorp <>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 17 Septembre 2008, 22h46mn 57s
Objet : Urgent
Dear ,

I have received your mail,First let me thank you for your good response to my mail and i appreciate why you asked me that you do not understand what i want you to do for me. Now see what i want from you but before that let me introduce myself fully to you, I am United state Marine officer,my full name is Captain Mathew Thorp. I am from washinton DC in United States of America, Age 48 now serving in Al-Basrah,lraq for the United Nations war against terrorism. I think with time you will know more about me.

Furthermore, i really understand your fears in this deal. Now let me tell you, you should understand that i am a Captian and a marine officer for that matter, so if anybody has to be afraid of this deal, then it should be me because i initaited it and if anything goes wrong then i will be the one to go down but i am very sure of the deal because before i contacted you, i have already worked out the logistics for the succesful delivery of this funds to you in Europe so there is nothing to fear because everything will go according to the legal way of delivery from here to europe

Consequently, I am a man of personality and i will never get myself involved in anything that will jeopardize or tarnish my reputation which i have built over the years, so my dear, this deal is for real and there is no risk attached to it, it is simply between me and you as long as you will follow my guidelines everything will work out well that is for sure.

Again, let me make you understand my power in affecting the transfer of this funds to you. As i have already informed you on how this money is been brought,and i know i have equally informed you on where the money was deposited. I am in Command of my Unit here in Al-Basrah,i give orders,and i am a marine officer and you know the respect and honour we control. I am going to prepare all the necessary documents for approval that the money is yours so everything will be intact on your behalf.

Now let me make you understand how this business is going to be done succesfully, Every week, a RED CROSS RELIEF JET flies to europe from Baghdad to go and collect reliefs from donors in europe. I have two of my men as security to the airplane, So after preparing every document on your behalf as the beneficiary of the funds, i will then seal up the consignment which is with the RED CROSS addressed to the beneficiary in europe
Then I want you to know that diplomats run a courrier service which is called DIPLOMATIC COURIER SERVICE, this service is meant for transferring hard documents,huge funds and precious stones, they call it consignments. This consignment will be registered under their service and will be carried with their diplomatic immunity to any country where they have diplomatic grounds and then deliver it to the beneficiary of the consignment on the grounds where they maintain diplomatic immunity.

In this case, the deal will go like this, Once i register the consignment in your name, I will immediately seal it and then register it as a diplomatic consignment Trunk Box to be delivered to the owner in EUROPE. I will send you the Documents which the consignment was registered in your name so that you can have it which you are going to present to the diplomat when they meet with you. The Airplane that will airlift the consignment is the RED CROSS JET which equally has the diplomatic immunity to lift such consignments and other hard copies because of the nature of its work.

So Wherever the RED CROSS JET lands in europe then the diplomat will immediately contact you and you will proceed and go receive the consignment from him. It is very simple and straight forward transaction as long as you follow my instructions. If you cannot be able to meet with the diplomat immediately when they land in europe and contact you due to your tight schedule,then you can make further arrangments with the diplomat to assist you in bringing the consignment to your place.

The diplomats have the immunity to move round the world so they will surely assist you once you inform them.I hope you have understood all about this business and how it is going to be done. I will only require your absolute trust, confidentiality and assurance that you will not be willing to part with my share of the funds when it eventually arrives your custody. We do not have much time to waste so we need to start up immediately so that we can conclude within the next five to six days. I wait to receive your response so i can detailed you on the next process for the delivery of the funds.

I am counting on your understanding.I awaits your urgent response and have a nice day

captain Mathew Thorp


thank you for this amazing story.
actually, I agree with all that, and I would be glad to give you my car for free.
But only, considering your good position for that,in counterparty of 1 or 2 little things :
- I always wanted to have an American Army M47 Patton tank of World War II to go to work. My colleagues will never believe their eyes when they will see that !!
- I'll provide you through secret ways the name of one of my teacher, that put a 0 to one of my really good homework. If you could practice a "chirurgical intervention" on his house, that would be much appreciated.
- I would also request to have free access to all official american building, an available desk in each of them, and a free room in The White House, with breakfast included every morning. If you could add two personnal dogs, I would love it.
- could you also destroy a whole area o Bagdad, put grass on it, and build a 18 holes golf here, only for me and my friends ? If you could provide a 24/24 7/7 free helicopter transport for my whole life, to go there, I accept, no problem.
- I also always wanted to see Batman in real : I'm sure you can help...

Thank you, and please get back to me asap on this.



----- Message d'origine ----
De : Mathew Thorp <>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 17 Septembre 2008, 0h10mn 50s
Dear Nicola,

I have received your mail and i am ok with the price of your car. I will surely buy the car but I have a very important and confidential proposal for you. Before going further, let me introduce myself to you, I am CAPTAIN MATHEW THORP with the United Nations troop in Iraq,on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq come this year,I have been deployed to come and work in your country's military base soonest. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states,mostly the United states and the European Union on the war against terrorism. So I will surely need a car for myself and that is why i contacted you.

Secondly, I believe you will maintain the trust and confidence of what i am about to reveal to you. Right now, I have in my possession the sum of USD10.2million which was recovered from one of our raids on terrorists here in Iraq because they keep most of their money at home for evil activities which they normally get through illegal deals on crude oil. Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. It happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and I decided to take it as my share for my stress here in this evil land filled with suicide bombers. I deposited this money with RED CROSS OFFICE here informing him that i am making contact for the real owner of the money. The Red Cross officer has given me 7 days to find the owner so it is now under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. I wish to use this money for charity purposes in Turkey,where we have about 3 million Iraqi refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war.

You need to visit such places.I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to this refugees because base on my experience on battle ground in this places,they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing this terrorists to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms illegally from Russia and North Korea it is better channeled to saving the world. I cannot move this money to the United states because I will be in Europe for about 3years,so I need someone I could deal with on trust and that is why i contacted you. If you accept, I will put you forward as the owner of the money and transfer the money to you in Europe immediately through the Red Cross Diplomatic Delivery means to you as that is the easiest way of transfering the money to you.

I am an American and an intelligence officer and I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service .I just need your acceptance and all is done. i have all the logistics for that so you have nothing to worry. Please if you are interested in this transaction then I will give you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully as all you need is to follow my instructions and directives.

I decided to find someone who i can trust and that is why I went to a secured car site to contact you on trust believing we can work together. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails,then I can explain in details to you. I will only be able reach you through email,because our calls might be monitored,I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with.

If you are interested, then let me know immediately so we can proceed as time is very important to me. I am doing this on trust, you should understand that as a trained military expert I know my ways and i am very careful in everything i do. This money is my life and i am willing to give you 30% of the total sum when the money arrives under your safe custody. I wait for your response so we can proceed immediately. In less than 7days the money should be in your safe custody, then i will come over to meet you when we are out of the military base.

Captain Mathew Thorp

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Post by exo »

I always wanted to have an American Army M47 Patton tank of World War II to go to work
:lol: ah je t'y prends il est où là le "light is right" hein

Et alors Batman, bien ?
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Post by PunkDrunkRabbit »


J'ai pas toujours été dans le vrai.
Mais quand j'ai vu que je passais pas sous les 2H35 au Nurburgring, je me suis dis qu'il devait y avoir des voitures plus efficaces. Pourtant je lui avais mis un pot !!!

Et pour Batman j'attend toujours... Je crois bien que Captain Thorp serait un peu malhonnete.

... En fait je suis certains qu'il le connait même pas Batman !

ps: Par contre t'as pas peur des sorties de route au moins avec le M47 !
Life is a Circus.
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